Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Art Terminology Definitions

 Art Terminology Definitions

Hue: Another name for color. This color can be measured as a location on a color and represented in as degrees which makes it different from other colors. This then classify the hue to a color in reference of the spectrum. 

Chroma: The purity of a color. Some what of the saturation of a hue or the distinctive intensity of a hue. Has a more distinct strength and purity to its color.

Tint: A hue with white added to the solid color to make it more off setting. Making the hue more of a pale and delicate color by being softened or desaturated by adding white and lighter colors.

Tone: The quality of a color. This is a determination of wheather the the color in warm or cold or otherwise known as light and dark. And as the term is said "Tone it Down" which in art means to make the color less vibrant. 

Shade: A color or hues produced by adding black to the pigment. To give the color a darker more substantial look to it.

Complimentary Colors: Two colors that are opposites on the color wheel from each other. This makes them complimentary and can sometimes make the colors seem more vibrant and can seem to vibrate.

Analogous Colors: A set of 3-5 that are closely related in hues and are next to each other on the color wheel. With this one of the colors is usually the domain and the others blend well together.

Contrasting Colors: The arrangement of opposite colors. This is to create a different and exciting look and feel. The main contrasting colors are white and black. 

Texture: The feeling of the object that has been created. This could also mean in art that the artist will draw to create the illusion that the picture has a texture.

Graphic Design Principles: The arrangement of different elements of a page layout. This includes the colors, size, and overall appearance.  

Balance: To create equal or to reach equilibrium with the arrangement of multiple colors so that they seem even in proportion. This also means that they do not all have to be equal and even but that they work well together.

Symmetry: Separate colors of a system to create some what of a balance. this means if you were to mirror the image it would be the same or symmetrical.


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